Class: GraphicEquipStats


The graphic displaying all the stats modifications in the equip menu

new GraphicEquipStats (gamePlayer, newValues)

Name Type Description
gamePlayer GamePlayer The current selected player
newValues Array.<number> The new values of statistics with the equipment we are currently trying to equip. This array is empty if we are not trying to equip something
Name Type Description
isChanging boolean Indicates if we are currently trying to equip something
listStatsNames GraphicText All the stats names graphics
listStats GraphicText All the stats values graphics
listNewStats GraphicText All the stats new values graphics
nameLength number The max length of the stats names
valueLength number The max length of the stats values
graphicArrow GraphicText A graphic for an arrow
arrowLength number The max length of the stats values


drawBox (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the statistics modifications
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic