Class: GraphicUseSkillItem


The graphic displaying a skill or an item use

new GraphicUseSkillItem ()

Name Type Description
graphicCharacters GraphicPlayer The graphic player list
all boolean Indicate if all the targets are selected
indexArrow number The arrow index


setAll (b)

Set if all targets are selected or not
Name Type Description
b boolean Indicate if all the targets are selected

update ()

Update the battler frame

updateStats ()

Udpate the battler

goLeft ()

Move arrow left

goRight ()

Move arrow right

moveArrow (index)

Move an arrow according to index
Name Type Description
index number The corresponding index

onKeyPressedAndRepeat (key)

Key pressed repeat handle, but with a small wait after the first pressure
Name Type Description
key number The key ID pressed

drawArrowAtIndex (index, x, y, h)

Draw an arrow at a specific index
Name Type Description
index number The corresponding index
x number The x position
y number The y position
h number The h size

drawBox (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the skill or item use informations
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic