Class: GraphicSave


The graphic displaying a save

new GraphicSave ()

Name Type Description
game Game The game save
graphicSlot GraphicText The graphic text slot
graphicEmpty GraphicText The graphic text empty
graphicTimer GraphicText The graphic text timer
graphicCharacters Array.<GraphicPlayer> The graphic players list for characters


update ()

Update the battler graphics

drawChoice (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the save slot
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic

drawBox (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the save informations
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic