Class: SceneLoadGame


new SceneLoadGame ()

Name Type Description
pictureBackground Picture2D The title screen background picture



load () async overrides

Load async stuff

onKeyPressed (key) overrides

Handle scene key pressed
Name Type Description
key number The key ID

drawHUD () overrides

Draw the HUD scene

getEmptyGame (i)Object inherited overrides

Get an object representing an empty game
Name Type Description
i number The slot number
Type Description

initializeGame (game) inherited overrides

Initialize a game displaying
Name Type Description
game Game The game

setContents (top, bot) inherited overrides

Set the contents in the bottom and top bars
Name Type Description
top Object A graphic content for top
bot Object A graphic content for bot

updateInformations (i) inherited overrides

Update the information to display inside the save informations
Name Type Description
i number The slot index

update () inherited overrides

Update the scene

onKeyPressedAndRepeat (key)boolean inherited overrides

Handle scene pressed and repeat key
Name Type Description
key number The key ID
Type Description

updateInterpreters () inherited overrides

Update all the reactions interpreters

updateParallelCommands () inherited overrides

Update all the parallel commands

addReaction (sender, reaction, object, state, parameters, event, moving) inherited overrides

Add a reaction in the interpreter list
Name Type Description
sender MapObject The sender of this reaction
reaction SystemReaction The reaction to add
object MapObject The object reacting
state number The state ID
parameters Array.<SystemParameter> All the parameters coming with this reaction
event Array.<number> The time events values
moving boolean Indicate if command is a moving one

onKeyReleased (key) inherited overrides

Handle scene key released
Name Type Description
key number The key ID

onKeyPressedRepeat (key)boolean inherited overrides

Handle scene pressed repeat key
Name Type Description
key number The key ID
Type Description

draw3D () inherited overrides

Draw the 3D scene

close () inherited overrides

Close the scene