Class: GraphicSkill


The graphic displaying the player skills informations in skill menu

new GraphicSkill (gameSkill)

Name Type Description
gameSkill GameSkill The current selected skill
Name Type Description
graphicName GraphicTextIcon The graphic text icon for skill name
graphicCost GraphicText The graphic text for skill cost
graphicInformations GraphicSkillItem The graphic skill informations


drawChoice (context, x, y, w, h)

Drawing the skill in choice box
Name Type Description
context Canvas.Context The canvas context
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic

drawBox (context, x, y, w, h)

Drawing the skill description
Name Type Description
context Canvas.Context The canvas context
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic