Class: GraphicPlayer


The graphic displaying the player minimal stats informations

new GraphicPlayer (gamePlayer, reverse)

Name Type Default Description
gamePlayer GamePlayer The current selected player
reverse boolean false optional Indicate if the faceset should be reversed
Name Type Description
gamePlayer GamePlayer The current selected player
reverse boolean Indicate if the faceset should be reversed
graphicName GraphicText The player's name graphic
graphicClass GraphicText The player's class name graphic
graphicLevelName GraphicText The player's level name graphic
graphicLevel GraphicText The player's level graphic
graphicExpName GraphicText The graphic text for experience name
graphicExp GraphicText The graphic text for experience stat
listStatsNames GraphicText All the player's stats names graphics
listStats GraphicText All the player's stats values graphics
maxStatNamesLength number The max length of the stats namles for each column
maxStatLength number The max length of the stats for each column
faceset Picture2D The player faceset
battler Picture2D The player battler
battlerFrame Frame The battler frame
graphicLevelUp GraphicText The graphic text for level up
displayNameLevel boolean Indicate if leveling up should be displayed


updateReverse (reverse)

Update the reverse value for faceset
Name Type Description
reverse boolean The reverse value

update ()

Update the graphics

updateExperience ()

Update experience graphics

initializeCharacter (noDisplayNameLevel)

Initialize character graphics font size
Name Type Description
noDisplayNameLevel boolean Indicate if the level up should be displayed or not

updateBattler ()

Update battler frame

drawCharacter (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the character
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic

drawChoice (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the player in choice box in the main menu
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic

drawBox (x, y, w, h)

Drawing the player informations in battles
Name Type Description
x number The x position to draw graphic
y number The y position to draw graphic
w number The width dimention to draw graphic
h number The height dimention to draw graphic