Class: MapProperties


The properties of a map

new MapProperties ()

Name Type Description
sceneBackground Physijs.Scene The scene used for background image
skyboxGeometry THREE.BoxGeometry The geometry for skybox
id number The map ID
name string The map name
length number The map length
width number The map width
height number The map height
depth number The map depth
tileset SystemTileset The system tileset map
music SystemPlaySong The beginning music
backgroundSound SystemPlaySong The beginning background sound
cameraProperties SystemCameraProperties The system camera properties of the map
isBackgroundColor boolean Indicate if background is a color
isBackgroundImage boolean Indicate if background is an image
backgroundColorID SystemValue The background color ID value
backgroundImageID number The background image ID
backgroundSkyboxID SystemValue = The skybox background ID value
startupObject MapObject The map object startup
backgroundColor SystemColor The background system color
cameraBackground THREE.Camera The camera for background when image


read (json)

Read the JSON associated to the map properties
Name Type Description
json Object Json object describing the map properties

updateBackgroundColor ()

Update the background color

updateBackgroundImage ()

Update the background image

updateBackgroundSkybox ()

Update the background skybox